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What is forbidden to do on last day of winter - Astro forecast for February 28

What is forbidden to do on last day of winter - Astro forecast for February 28 What to do on February 28 (illustrative photo: Freepik)

February 28 is not only the last day of winter. The "final" winter New Moon awaits us, and we can also feel the influence of Venus and Jupiter, says Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovyova.

Astro forecast for 28th of February

"You shouldn't get married, make expensive purchases, or undergo plastic and cosmetic surgery. Avoid sexual entertainment," Solovyova advises.

On February 28, at 02:45 (Kyiv time), the exact phase of the New Moon will take place.

"Watch your thoughts: the mental forms you form should be exclusively positive because soon all the mental fantasies you generate will be easily implemented. It's good to plan well: everything you plan has a better chance of coming true than what you formulate in other phases of the moon," the astrologer explained.

On February 28, the Moon will be in Pisces in conjunction with the Sun. Therefore, the expert notes, that everything related to health (mental and physical), psychosomatics, psychology, long-distance travel (especially by sea), retreats, solitude, art (especially photography and cinema), and habits will be in focus.

"Both luminaries will be in difficult aspects with Jupiter, which will also be in the destructive degree of Gemini. Therefore, it is better not to plan anything in the area of your radix, in which Jupiter will be transiting at the time of the New Moon," Solovyova noted.
День пророчих снів. Астролог дала важливий прогноз на цей понеділок

February 28 horoscope (illustrative photo: Freepik)

Astro life hacks for the last day of winter

February 28 is the day of Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, finance, creativity, art, skill, talent, and partnership. Astrologers also call it "small happiness."

"You can balance the Venusian theme with pink and silk in your clothes or jewelry. Surround yourself with fresh flowers (especially roses), and visit a garden or greenhouse to balance your state with natural beauty. Refrain from romance," Solovyova advises.

Until March 9, the astrologer reminded, Jupiter will be in the destructive degree of Gemini. This degree brings tests of strength, endurance, and stamina.

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