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Wagner heading towards NATO's strategic point, posing even greater threat to Poland

Wagner heading towards NATO's strategic point,  posing even greater threat to Poland Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Fighters of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC), who are stationed in Belarus, have been directed toward the Suwałki Gap. It connects Poland with the Baltic countries and separates Belarus from the Kaliningrad region of Russia, according to the statement of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, cited by RMF FM.

The head of the government emphasized that Poland had been facing constant attacks on its border for the past two years. Only this year, 16,000 attempts of illegal border crossings by migrants had been recorded, whom, according to his words, were being lured by dictators Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko to "push into Poland."

He noted that now the aggressor countries had sent a hundred Wagner PMC fighters to the Suwałki Gap.

"The situation is becoming even more dangerous. We have information that over 100 Wagner group mercenaries have headed towards the Suwałki crossing near Grodno in Belarus," Morawiecki said.

The Prime Minister stated that this is a "step towards further hybrid attacks on Polish territory." Morawiecki suggested that the Wagner mercenaries would likely be disguised as Belarusian border guards, assisting illegal immigrants in entering Poland and destabilizing the situation in the country. According to the Prime Minister, the fighters themselves might also attempt to infiltrate Polish territory.

Note: The Suwałki Gap is sometimes referred to as a strategic point for NATO. This territory connects Poland with Lithuania and other Baltic countries while separating Russia's the Kaliningrad region from Belarus.

Wagner PMC fighters in Belarus

After the failed coup attempt by Wagner PMC leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, some of his fighters arrived in Belarus. They are located in a tent camp near the military base in Osipovichi.

Ukrainian border guards emphasize that, for now, the Wagner PMC in Belarus does not pose a threat to Ukraine, but provocations cannot be ruled out.

However, Ukraine does not exclude the possibility that the Wagner PMC fighters may be used for potential provocations on the border with NATO.