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Vote counts from 97% of polling stations in Georgia election reported

Vote counts from 97% of polling stations in Georgia election reported Illustrative photo (getty images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The ruling party of Georgia, Georgian Dream, leads in the parliamentary elections, which many consider a crucial factor in the country's long-standing aspiration for EU membership, according to the Georgian Election Commission website.

According to the electoral commission, with 97% of precincts reporting, Georgian Dream received 54.24% of the votes.

The opposition party, Coalition for Change, garnered 10.80%, and the United National Movement received 10.07%. Other votes were distributed among smaller opposition parties.

On October 26, parliamentary elections were held in Georgia.

Exit polls after the closure of polling stations showed opposite results.

Preliminary data indicates voter turnout was approximately 60%.

Opposition parties have announced their refusal to recognize the election results, with some discussing plans for street protests.