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Vin Diesel faces lawsuit: Actor accused of sexual harassment

Vin Diesel faces lawsuit: Actor accused of sexual harassment Vin Diesel (photo:

American actor, the star of the Fast and Furious films, Vin Diesel, has been accused of sexual harassment. His former assistant, Asta Jonasson, filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of California. This is reported by RBC-Ukraine, citing CNN.

What is known

The alleged victim claims that in 2010, during the filming of the movie Fast and Furious 5, Diesel allegedly harassed her in a hotel room, despite the "woman's clear statements of her refusal."

Він Дізеля з "Форсажу" звинуватили у сексуальних домаганнях: перші подробиці

Vin Diesel (photo:

The production company One Race Productions and Samantha Vincent, the actor's sister, are also defendants in this case. They were involved in the creation of the fourth-sixth parts of Fast and Furious.

Jonasson claims that a few hours after the incident, Vincent contacted her and then fired her.

Based on this, in addition to allegations of harassment, the lawsuit includes accusations of creating a hostile work environment, unlawful termination, and other violations.

Він Дізеля з "Форсажу" звинуватили у сексуальних домаганнях: перші подробиці

Vin Diesel (photo:

The woman demands a fine of ten thousand dollars for each of these violations.

According to the actor's lawyer, Brian Friedman, his client "categorically denies" the allegations "in full."

“Vin Diesel categorically denies this claim in its entirety,” Bryan Freedman, attorney for Diesel, wrote in a statement to CNN later on Friday. “This is the first he has ever heard about this more than 13-year-old claim made by a purportedly 9-day employee.”

Він Дізеля з "Форсажу" звинуватили у сексуальних домаганнях: перші подробиці

Vin Diesel (photo:

Vin Diesel, whose real name is Mark Sinclair Vincent, is 56 years old.

He has appeared in more than 60 films and TV series and has also produced over 20 movies.

The actor has been in a relationship with model Paloma Jiménez since 2007, and they have three children together.