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US to announce military aid package for Ukraine including F-16 missiles tomorrow - Media

US to announce military aid package for Ukraine including F-16 missiles tomorrow - Media Photo: Joe Biden, President of the United States (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The United States may announce another military aid package for Ukraine tomorrow. It will include air-to-ground missiles for the F-16, according to Voice of America.

According to sources, the total value of the weapons included in the new package will be up to $375 million. This will be the largest aid package for Ukraine from the US since May.

One unnamed official told reporters that the package will include missiles for the F-16 designed for strikes on ground targets. Such missiles will enable Ukrainian F-16s to operate far from the front line and enemy air defense systems.

Additionally, sources from Voice of America clarified that the package will include shells for HIMARS, patrol boats, and armored vehicles, as well as 155-mm and 105-mm shells and TOW missiles.

This assistance will be provided under presidential authority for arms reductions, meaning that the weapons will be sent to Ukraine from US stockpiles.


Rumors that the US may announce a new military aid package for Ukraine emerged last week.

CNN noted that, although the weapons will be drawn from US stockpiles, deliveries could take months due to shortages of munitions in the US.

Politico also reported, citing sources, that the package will include Joint Standoff Weapon missiles for F-16s with a range of approximately 112 kilometers.