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US stands ready for negotiations with Russia, China, and North Korea to reduce the nuclear threat - Biden

US stands ready for negotiations with Russia, China, and North Korea to reduce the nuclear threat - Biden Joe Biden, President of the US (photo: Getty Images)

US President Joe Biden has expressed the country's readiness to engage in negotiations with Russia, China, and North Korea to reduce the nuclear threat. Such talks could occur without preconditions, according to the White House.

The statement from the American president came during a greeting to the Nobel Peace Prize winners.

"The US stands ready to engage in talks with Russia, China, and North Korea without preconditions to reduce the nuclear threat. There is no benefit to our nations or the world to forestall progress on reducing nuclear arsenals," Biden stated.

The US president added that reducing the nuclear threat is important not despite the dangers of today’s world but precisely because of them.

"These nuclear risks erode the norms and agreements we have worked collectively to put in place and run counter to the vital work of today’s Nobel Laureates," the American president said.

He also recounted that last year, during a visit to Hiroshima, Japan, he spoke with a survivor of the nuclear bombing (in August 1945).

Biden added that this individual reminded him that we must continue our progress toward a world free from the threat of nuclear weapons.