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US reveals number of weapon containers Russia bought from North Korea

US reveals number of weapon containers Russia bought from North Korea Archive photo: Robert Wood, Deputy United States Permanent Representative to International Organizations
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Russian Federation has purchased more than 11,000 containers of weapons from North Korea to wage war against Ukraine, according to the Deputy United States Permanent Representative to International Organizations Robert Wood.

According to him, Russian forces used DPRK ballistic missiles to shell Ukraine.

The US representative clarified that more than a dozen such cases have been officially recorded.

He also said that since December, Russia has purchased more than 11,000 containers of ammunition and relevant military materials from the DPRK, violating the arms embargo.

North Korea provides military assistance to Russia

Russia began seeking North Korea's help with weapons last year. Vladimir Putin personally met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. After that, Russia started receiving weapons from North Korea.

The United States has repeatedly condemned this move. Recently, Washington imposed sanctions on Russians who organized the supply of weapons from North Korea to Russia.