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US, Japan commitments for Ukraine, Ramstein Group meeting, G7 summit - Thursday brief

US, Japan commitments for Ukraine, Ramstein Group meeting, G7 summit - Thursday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

Ukraine signed bilateral security agreements with Japan and the United States. The 23rd meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (Ramstein Group) took place. The G7 summit was held in Italy.

RBC-Ukraine has collected the main news for June 13.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

NATO Secretary General on F-16 strikes on Russia: Ukraine has right to self-defense, this is not escalation

When asked whether Ukraine would have the right to strike targets in Russia with F-16 aircraft, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine has the right to self-defense.

He added that self-defense is not escalation and is enshrined in the UN Charter.

Germany to transfer quarter of its Patriot stocks to Ukraine, says Defense Minister

"We will transfer the third Patriot system to Ukraine. Thus, Germany provides Ukraine with a total of 3 systems... This is a quarter of our own stocks of such systems, and we no longer have the opportunity to transfer more. Others can probably give one each,” said German Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius.

Canada to send 2,000 CRV7 rocket engines to Ukraine

Canada has more than 83,000 such rocket engines that are no longer in use.

During the Ramstein format meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair announced that his country will also provide 29 Nanuk remote weapon systems and over 130,000 rounds of small arms ammunition.

Britain extends sanctions against Russia

A total of 50 new items were added to the sanctions list, including six ships from the so-called shadow fleet.

The sanctions target:

  • Russia's largest trading exchange by volume, the Moscow Exchange;
  • SPB Exchange;
  • National Clearing Center;
  • National Settlement Depository of Russia;
  • Ingosstrakh.

Ukraine and Japan sign security agreement

According to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will support Ukraine throughout the 10-year term of the agreement.

"This includes security and defense assistance, humanitarian aid, technical and financial cooperation, as well as joint efforts on the Peace Formula. Additionally, the agreement implies sanctions against the aggressor and efforts to hold the aggressor accountable. We also greatly appreciate that Japan will cooperate with Ukraine in reconstruction and recovery," added Zelenskyy.

Ukraine and US sign security agreement

"The parties recognize this agreement as supporting a bridge to Ukraine’s eventual membership in the NATO alliance," the text says.

Besides, in the event of an armed attack or threat of such an attack on Ukraine, the highest officials from the US and Ukraine will meet within 24 hours for consultations regarding the response and to determine what additional defense needs Ukraine requires, the agreement says.

Austin explains how permission to strike on Russia impacts situation in Kharkiv region

"What I see is a slowing of the Russians' advance and a stabilizing of that particular piece of the front," said Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin.

He also said that a few weeks ago there were concerns about the possibility of a significant breakthrough by the Russian forces.

"I don't think we'll see that going forward," he added.

G7 countries reach agreement on using Russian assets

According to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the G7 countries have reaffirmed their commitment and reached a political agreement to provide additional financial support to Ukraine in the amount of about $50 billion by the end of the year.

Such support will be provided not through the confiscation of Russian assets, but by using the profits from these assets that accumulate over time.