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NATO Secretary General on F-16 strikes on Russia: Ukraine has right to self-defense, this is not escalation

NATO Secretary General on F-16 strikes on Russia: Ukraine has right to self-defense, this is not escalation NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukraine has the right to use Western weapons to strike Russia in self-defense. Self-defense is not escalation, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the defense ministers' meeting in Brussels.

He said that allies are working on training Ukrainian pilots and technical personnel on the F-16. However, the Alliance’s Secretary General did not specify the timeframe for the completion of this training.

Stoltenberg welcomed the partners' decision to allow Ukraine to strike Russian territory with Western weapons. He also urged allies to ease restrictions.

When asked whether Ukraine would have the right to strike targets in Russia with F-16 aircraft, Stoltenberg said that Ukraine has the right to self-defense.

"Ukraine has the right for self-defense, and the right of self-defense includes also striking legitimate military targets on the territory of the aggressor Russia," said the NATO Secretary General.

He added that self-defense is not escalation and is enshrined in the UN Charter. Stoltenberg called on allies to help Ukraine uphold its right to self-defense.


Several partners have allowed Ukraine to use provided weapons to strike Russian territory. However, there are some restrictions.

The United States has allowed Ukrainian military strikes with American weapons on Russia’s border regions. Germany has also imposed similar restrictions. According to German media, this concerns attacks within a 40-kilometer radius of the border.

NATO has previously welcomed the allies’ decision, emphasizing that Ukraine should have the opportunity to defend itself from Russian attacks.