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US fundamentally wants Ukraine to win war - State Department

US fundamentally wants Ukraine to win war - State Department US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller (photo from open sources)
Author: Maria Kholina

The United States aims for Ukraine's victory and the defeat of the Russian Federation in the war initiated by Russia, according to the State Department spokesman Matthew Miller during the briefing at the State Department on May 20.

"We fundamentally want to see Ukraine win this war and have made that clear, including, I think, by providing them with billions of dollars in security assistance," he said.

The State Department spokesman also recalled that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced during his visit to Kyiv the strategic defeat of Russia in this war.

Miller also added that Ukraine's victory in the war would automatically mean Russia's defeat in the conflict.

"I think our position on who we want to see win this war and who we want to see lose it has been pretty clear for more than two years now," he said.

US assistance to Ukraine

On May 20, US Ambassador to the United Nations Robert Wood said during a UN Security Council meeting that the United States will continue to supply weapons to Ukraine until Russia withdraws its troops from Ukrainian territories.

The United States is working around the clock to supply weapons to Ukraine.

During his visit to Kyiv last week, Antony Blinken announced a new aid package for Ukraine worth $2 billion.