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US doubts F-16 was hit by friendly fire from Patriot - NYT

US doubts F-16 was hit by friendly fire from Patriot - NYT Photo: The United States considers it unlikely that the F-16 was shot down by “friendly fire” (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

US officials consider it unlikely that the F-16 fighter jet in Ukraine was shot down by Patriot fire. Investigators are considering other causes of the crash, according to The New York Times.

Two senior US military officials believe it is unlikely that the crash could have been caused by “friendly fire.”

According to them, American and Ukrainian investigators are considering various versions of the crash, including a mechanical malfunction or pilot error.

Earlier, MP Mariana Bezuhla suggested that the F-16 was allegedly shot down by “friendly fire.” At the same time, she accused the then-commander of the Air Force, Mykola Oleshchuk, of hushing up the situation.

Oleshchuk responded to Bezuhla and emphasized that the investigation into the cause of the crash was ongoing.

The first loss of an F-16

Recently it became known that Ukraine lost its first F-16 fighter jet. It is known that the plane participated in repelling a massive Russian attack, shot down four targets and was approaching the next one. Then the fighter lost contact.

The plane crash killed pilot Oleksii Mes, known as Moonfish.

Amid the loss of the F-16, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy fired the commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Mykola Oleshchuk. Defense Minister Rustem Umerov said that Oleshchuk's dismissal was unrelated to the F-16 crash.

Read more about the first loss of an F-16 and what is known about pilot Oleksii Mes in the material by RBC-Ukraine.