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US concerned over threat of full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah – Politico

US concerned over threat of full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah – Politico Photo: A full-scale war could break out between Israel and Hezbollah (GettyImages)
Author: Daryna Vialko

US officials expect a significant escalation of fighting between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which could lead to a full-scale war, according to Politico.

It is reported that tensions have reached an all-time high following a series of Israeli attacks on Hezbollah this week. According to the latest analysis by US President Joe Biden's administration, it will be difficult for both sides to de-escalate the situation, Politico writes, citing unnamed officials.

Concerns have risen after Israel disrupted Hezbollah's pagers and radios and carried out a strike on a building in Beirut, killing one of the group's leaders, Ibrahim Aqil.

These attacks are seen as the "opening salvo" in a broader Israeli military campaign in southern Lebanon. Washington is in talks with Israel and regional allies in an effort to prevent direct confrontation.

Private assessments contrast with official administration statements suggesting diplomacy can still prevent further bloodshed, Politico reports.

“We still believe that there is time and space for a diplomatic solution. We think that that is the best way forward. War is not inevitable up there at the blue line, and we’re going to continue to do everything we can to try to prevent it,” White House spokesman John Kirby said on Friday.

One source noted that attacks on targets in Lebanon may continue. The US expects some form of retaliation from Hezbollah, possibly in the form of drone strikes.

The conflict is also likely to include targeted eliminations of Hezbollah leaders, strikes on weapon depots, and further attacks on communication infrastructure, another source indicated.

"Tit-for-tat " attacks are unlikely to trigger immediate direct confrontation on Israel's northern border. The main concern for the Biden administration is a full-scale regional war that could ultimately involve the United States, the agency reports.

Earlier, it was reported that Israel had been preparing an operation to massively explode Hezbollah's pagers for at least 15 years.

The first wave of explosions occurred on September 17, followed by a second wave the next day. According to the Lebanese Health Minister, at least 37 people died, and around 3,000 were injured.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated today that they conducted airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. In response, militants launched approximately 25 missiles.