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US concerned about Russia's military cooperation with Iran, North Korea and China

US concerned about Russia's military cooperation with Iran, North Korea and China Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Patrick Ryder (facebook com InternationalDefenseDesk)
Author: Maria Kholina

The US is concerned about Russia's collaboration with Iran, North Korea, and China, particularly given that Russia seeks to purchase weapons to support its war against Ukraine, citing Pentagon spokesperson Brigadier General Patrick Ryder during a briefing.

Ryder was asked about the Russian arms exhibition in the Moscow region. Representatives from North Korea attended the exhibition, while Iran and China also participated.

Ryder declined to comment on the exhibition but emphasized that the U.S. is closely monitoring the military cooperation between Moscow, Pyongyang, Tehran, and Beijing.

"I'm not going to comment on the weapons expo per se, but we again closely monitor these relationships and do have concerns, particularly as it relates to Russia as it seeks to procure arms and munitions from these countries to support its war against Ukraine," he said.

Russia' supporters

Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, it has become an outcast among the democratic part of the world. Sanctions against Russian leadership have been imposed by the European Union, the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other allied countries.

Moreover, the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in connection with the deportation of Ukrainian children.

Few countries support Russia, including North Korea, Iran, and China. The latter claims to maintain a supposedly neutral position regarding Russia's war against Ukraine. However, Beijing has increased economic cooperation with Moscow during the war in Ukraine. According to Reuters, Russia and China may switch to bartering trade as early as this fall.