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US and China discuss potential Biden-Xi talks

US and China discuss potential Biden-Xi talks Photo: Chinese leader Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The United States and China are discussing possible talks between US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. They are scheduled for the near future, according to Reuters.

Chinese state media reported on the possibility of talks between Biden and Xi Jinping following the meeting between US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing.

During the talks, both sides also agreed to arrange a video call between military commanders "at an appropriate time." Washington hopes that such communications can help prevent conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

"The key to the smooth development of China-U.S. interaction lies in treating each other as equals," said Wang Yi, addressing Sullivan.

The Chinese Minister also urged the US to "stop arming Taiwan and support peaceful reunification of China".

Wang Yi expressed dissatisfaction with US export controls targeting Chinese chip manufacturers.

The meeting also touched on the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, particularly regarding Philippine and American vessels in the South China Sea, which China considers its "internal waters."


Last year in San Francisco, US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping held a meeting.

The leaders discussed Russia’s war against Ukraine, strengthened cooperation by signing several agreements, and also addressed the situation around Taiwan.

In early April, Biden and Xi Jinping had a phone conversation. One of the topics of discussion was the war in Ukraine.