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United States insists on "further actions" in response to Russia-North Korea provocations

United States insists on "further actions" in response to Russia-North Korea provocations Advisor to the U.S. President on National Security, Jake Sullivan (photo: Getty Images)

The United States will insist on "further actions" regarding Russia and North Korea, who are likely discussing an expansion of military cooperation, including the exchange of military materials and technology, says Jake Sullivan, the U.S. National Security Advisor.

He emphasized that negotiations between the dictators Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are progressing – the former wants to obtain ammunition for the war against Ukraine, while the latter is interested in military-technological cooperation.

"We will continue to press for further action in New York in response to provocations and other steps that North Korea takes that are in violation of international law," Sullivan said.

The National Security Advisor added that the United States, South Korea, and Japan are monitoring the situation in a trilateral format and preparing steps they will take "in the coming days and weeks."

Putin-Kim Jong Un meeting

On September 13, a meeting took place between the dictators of North Korea and Russia - Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin. They visited the "Vostochny" cosmodrome, Russia's state-of-the-art spaceport located in the Amur region.

The two dictators, accompanied by their defense ministers, discussed military matters. Putin has also accepted an invitation from Kim to visit North Korea.

Western media outlets have reported multiple times that during the meeting, the parties might reach an agreement on the transfer of artillery ammunition from North Korea to Russia. According to the Financial Times, the parties are prepared to make a deal, although a source in Ukrainian intelligence told RBC-Ukraine that there is no confirmation of this information yet.

For more details about what transpired during Putin and Kim's meeting, you can read the article by RBC-Ukraine.

As for the supply of weapons from North Korea, you can read the article by RBC-Ukraine.