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Unidentified object flew into Poland from Belarus, initially presumed balloon

Unidentified object flew into Poland from Belarus, initially presumed balloon Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

In a Polish village just a few kilometers from the Belarusian border, an object resembling a balloon with Cyrillic writing was discovered. The Interior Ministry suspects it to be a weather balloon, while media reports suggest it could be linked to smuggling, reports RMF FM.

A farmer in the village of Stare Stulno, located in Poland's Włodawa County, found the object, which was handed over to special services. It has been confirmed that no harmful substances were present.

Polish police have yet to officially confirm that the object is a balloon or clarify its purpose. According to unofficial information from RMF FM, it may be a smuggling balloon that potentially arrived from Belarus.

Jacek Dobrzyński, a spokesperson for Poland's Minister-Coordinator of Special Services, stated that everything points to the object found near the town of Stara Kamienica being a weather balloon.

He added that weather balloons likely follow a flight corridor in this area, noting that a similar object was discovered about a week ago.

Earlier in July, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine and Poland were working on a mechanism in which Polish air defense would shoot down Russian missiles and drones.

However, Poland has clarified that the country will not shoot down Russian missiles over Ukrainian airspace without an official decision from all NATO members.

During a massive Russian attack on Ukraine on August 26, the Polish Armed Forces commander reported an intrusion of an object into Polish territory. Although initially suspected to be a Russian drone, RMF FM reported that the object was never found, and the search was called off. This incident follows previous cases of Russian missiles falling on Polish soil, one of which resulted in the deaths of Polish citizens.