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Understanding anxiety: Behaviors not to take personally

Understanding anxiety: Behaviors not to take personally Illustrative photo (Photo: Freepik)
Author: Daria Shekina

Sometimes, people experience anxiety sporadically. Typically, worry due to specific events or everyday concerns lasts briefly, from a few minutes to a few days. It's important to understand situations where getting upset with someone isn't necessary, as there are specific reasons for this, according to the "How are you?" psychological community on Facebook.

Experts suggest that if you or your loved ones experience constant anxiety, try daily exercises and relaxation techniques. Review your schedule to ensure you're getting enough rest, eating well, and making time for yourself.

They also highlight situations where getting upset with someone isn't necessary.

Delayed or ignored calls

It might indicate the person is in an anxious state, and bombarding them with messages or calls might intensify this feeling.

Sudden plan changes

A sudden wave of anxiety might prompt someone to cancel plans last minute, which can be challenging to explain to those who haven't experienced it.

Avoiding personal meetings

Individuals in an anxious state might isolate themselves during free time, finding it difficult to attend events, meet friends, or interact as if everything's fine.

Avoidance of healthy contact

Anxious individuals might avoid healthy contact during conversations, not out of disrespect or indifference, but because it makes them uncomfortable.

Constant interruptions

Anxious individuals might struggle to control emotions, leading to frequent interruptions during conversations, attempting to fill any perceived silence.

Irritability over trivial matters

People dealing with anxiety often feel on edge, so any emotion might be the last straw.

In such instances, experts advise against getting upset or angry. Consider that their behavior might be influenced by events unknown to you. Sometimes, simply asking can be helpful.

Previously, we shared a psychologist's insight into the main mistakes men make in life.