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UN Security Council adopts resolution on humanitarian pauses in Gaza Strip

UN Security Council adopts resolution on humanitarian pauses in Gaza Strip UN Security Council adopts resolution on Gaza ceasefire (photo: GettyImages)

The United Nations Security Council has approved a resolution regarding the implementation of humanitarian pauses in the Gaza Strip, according to the UN website.

The resolution calls for the introduction of a sufficient number of days of humanitarian pauses to ensure access to aid for the peaceful residents of Gaza.

Twelve members of the UN Security Council voted in favor, while the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom abstained from voting.

Israeli army ground operation

In early October, militants from the Hamas organization launched a large-scale incursion into Israel. During the attack, they killed and kidnapped both military personnel and civilian residents. In response, Israel declared the beginning of Operation Iron Swords and commenced regular shelling of targets in the Gaza Strip.

On October 27, the Israeli army intensified its attacks on Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces also announced the expansion of the ground operation.

Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the commencement of the third phase of the military operation against the Hamas group. It entails an expansion of ground penetration into the Gaza Strip.

Prior to this, the United Nations Security Council had already called for the implementation of humanitarian pauses, but the United States vetoed the proposal.