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UN reacted to Russia's strikes on Kharkiv

UN reacted to Russia's strikes on Kharkiv The aftermath of the Russian strike on Epicenter in Kharkiv on May 25 (photo:

The United Nations has strongly condemned the Russian strikes on civilian objects in Kharkiv, which occurred on May 25 and resulted in casualties and dozens of civilians injured, according to a statement by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine, Denise Brown.

In a statement released by the UN press service, there is another call to Russia to stop striking civilian infrastructure, which is effectively a war crime.

"I am appalled and shocked by the terrifying news arriving from Kharkiv. This afternoon, in broad daylight as people - despite all the horrors they endure every day in this city - were trying to go about their day, their lives were shattered by yet another attack by the Russian Armed Forces," said Brown.

The UN representative noted that this strike occurred in a busy shopping center, resulting in dozens of civilian casualties and significant damage to civilian objects.

"This is utterly unacceptable. These strikes by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hitting civilians and civilian infrastructure must stop. Intentionally directing an attack against civilian infrastructure is strictly prohibited under international humanitarian law," emphasized the humanitarian coordinator in Ukraine.

She added that the civilian population must be protected.

Russian shelling of Kharkiv on May 25

Earlier, it was reported that on Saturday, May 25, Kharkiv was repeatedly struck by Russian forces. The Russian army bombed a lyceum at night and the Epicenter hypermarket during the day, where about 200 people were at the time of the attack. Later, they struck the central park with a ballistic missile from the S-300 system, as well as other civilian objects.

Regarding the Epicenter, in particular, the strike of two guided aviation bombs was recorded. As of now, it is known that 5 people were killed as a result of the shelling, and about 40 people were injured. 17 citizens are still considered missing.

For more details on the Russian shelling of the Epicenter in Kharkiv, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.

Additionally, due to the missile strike on civilian buildings in Kharkiv, including a supermarket, a shop, a post office, and residential buildings, 20 people have already been injured, including a 14-year-old teenager.