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Ukrainian reconnaissance soldiers showcase night hunts against Russian troops

Ukrainian reconnaissance soldiers showcase night hunts against Russian troops Illustrative image (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On one of the directions of the front, the Ghost unit organized a night hunt for the Russian troops and their equipment, according to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

In one of the directions 'ghosts' burned down two Russian bases, destroyed Russian communication and surveillance equipment located on the roof of the building, and destroyed a Russian gas station and several vehicles.

Russian losses in war against Ukraine

Over the past day, July 1, Russia's losses in manpower amounted to 1,280 soldiers. In particular, the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed 8 Russian tanks, 56 artillery systems 3 MLRS, and more.

Meanwhile, the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed an expensive Russian self-propelled howitzer Msta-S. In particular, a tank and an armored car were hit.

Also recently, the Ukrainian paratroopers hit a large concentration of Russian manpower in one of the areas of the front.