Ukrainian Navy reports number of Russian missile carriers in Black Sea and their salvo

On the morning of November 7, a hostile vessel was once again spotted in the Black Sea. It could pose a threat to Ukraine, reports the Ukrainian Navy.
As of 06:00 today, there is one Russian warship in the Black Sea, which is carrying cruise missiles Kalibr, with a total salvo of up to 4 missiles.
Meanwhile, no enemy ships have been detected in the Sea of Azov. However, another vessel has been spotted in the Mediterranean Sea, which is also a carrier of Kalibr missiles, with a total salvo of up to 8 missiles.
Over the past day, in the interests of Russia, the following vessels have passed through the Kerch Strait:
- to the Black Sea - 5 ships, 4 of which continued towards the Bosporus Strait;
- to the Sea of Azov - 8 ships, 2 of which came from the Bosporus Strait.
The Ukrainian Navy once again emphasized that Russia continues to violate the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) by disabling Automatic Identification System (AIS) devices on these vessels.
On November 2, after a two-week pause, Russia resumed deploying missile carriers in the Black Sea. In the following days, the number of vessels did not increase. The military observed only one ship each day, capable of launching up to four missiles.
Meanwhile, Russia has not deployed any ships to the Sea of Azov for quite some time.