ua en ru

Ukrainian military strikes training ground for Russian snipers

Ukrainian military strikes training ground for Russian snipers Illustrative photo: Ukrainian forces hit a training ground where Russian snipers were being trained (Getty Images)

The Ukrainian military attacked a training ground where Russian soldiers were stationed. Snipers were training at the range, according to the Operational Command West.

The attack was carried out by soldiers of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade and the Black Forest Brigade. They struck at a training ground of the Russian troops in southern Ukraine.

As a result of the attack, the Ukrainian Armed Forces killed Russian army soldiers who were being trained as snipers.

Footage of another attack on a Russian training ground in southern Ukraine has been posted online recently. Ukrainian soldiers allegedly used HIMARS multiple rocket launchers to attack a training ground in the Zaporizhzhia region.

At the time of the attack, Russian forces were conducting training exercises there.

Ukrainian soldiers have killed more than 1,400 Russians at the front over the past day. In total, Russia has already lost 674 thousand troops since February 2022.