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Ukrainian military releases rare footage of battles near Toretsk

Ukrainian military releases rare footage of battles near Toretsk Photo: Toretsk (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Russian troops continue to exert pressure in the Toretsk sector, attacking the city itself. The 32nd Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces showed rare footage.

"Rare footage of the frontline Toretsk was filmed by aerial reconnaissance men of the UMBRELLA battalion of the 32nd Mechanized Brigade. This is how the city looks like now," the statement reads.

According to the Ukrainian military, the intensity of the fighting is fierce, and the city is under constant shelling - even explosions from the hit of unmanned aerial vehicles were captured.

"And in such conditions, Ukrainian brave soldiers are fighting 24/7. Infantry, artillery, tankers, and intelligence are working to the limit of human capabilities every day to prevent the Russians from taking over any streets, houses, or meters of our native land," the brigade says.

Toretsk sector

Over the past week, Russian troops have significantly intensified their activity in the Toretsk sector.

As of the morning of July 11, the Russian occupants conducted 24 attacks in the Toretsk sector near the settlements of Pivnichne, Nyzhnyk, Toretsk, and Deliivka.

The Toretsk sector was among the three hottest along with Pokrovsk (42 attacks) and Siversk (17 attacks) over the day.