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Ukrainian military denies Forbes' data on Russian losses in battle for Chasiv Yar

Ukrainian military denies Forbes' data on Russian losses in battle for Chasiv Yar Photo: Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson for the Khortytsia operational and strategic group of troops (Khortytsia operational and strategic group of troops)

The Forbes data that Russia allegedly lost up to 99,000 troops in the battle for Chasiv Yar is an overstatement. According to military estimates, Russians lost there in particular about 5,000 in three months, while about 82,000 were lost in the eastern areas in total, says Nazar Voloshyn, a spokesman for the Khortytsia operational and strategic group of troops.

In a recent article, Forbes published expert estimates that Russian troops captured the Kanal neighborhood in Chasiv Yar at the cost of 99,000 killed and wounded soldiers.

According to Voloshyn, the figure is close to reality if experts and analysts attributed it to the entire frontline in the east over three months.

In the area of responsibility of the Khortytsia unit, the enemy losses amounted to:

  • April - more than 24,000
  • May - almost 26,000
  • June - almost 32,000.

"I will not argue with the experts. But the figure for Chasiv Yar is too high. The figure for the entire time of the active enemy operation to destroy the Kanal neighborhood is about 5,000... Russian personnel were killed and buried in the plantings," Voloshyn added.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces were forced to withdraw from the Kanal neighborhood to more favorable positions under pressure from the Russian army, as holding it posed a threat to the lives and health of the military. The positions of the Chasiv Yar defenders were destroyed.

Earlier, a video appeared showing the Kanal neighborhood turned into a pile of ash.