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Ukrainian troops relocate to stronger positions in Chasiv Yar

Ukrainian troops relocate to stronger positions in Chasiv Yar Photo: Ukrainian Armed Forces withdrew from the Kanal neighborhood in Chasiv Yar to more favorable positions (Getty Images)

Ukrainian military forces have withdrawn from the Kanal neighborhood in Chasiv Yar. The Defense Forces have taken up more advantageous positions, but the enemy continues to exert pressure, according to Nazar Voloshyn, a spokesperson for the operational-strategic group Khortytsia.

"The Kanal neighborhood, which the enemy entered, was not feasible to hold. This posed a threat to the lives and health of the servicemen. Our defenders' positions were destroyed. The command decided to withdraw to more protected, better-prepared positions," he said.

However, according to the spokesperson, the enemy continues its active combat operations there.

"The enemy has certain deadlines it has been unable to meet for several months already, which is to capture the town of Chasiv Yar. They are trying to hoist their tricolor rag," Voloshyn noted.

Situation in the Chasiv Yar area

In just the past day, there were 238 recorded shellings in the Chasiv Yar area from all types of weapons. The previous day saw almost 260 shellings, and the day before that, there were also over 270 shellings.

"Most of the enemy's shellings are concentrated in the southern part of Chasiv Yar. Across the entire front, there were 34 enemy assaults. Two of these assaults were directed at Chasiv Yar today. Additionally, enemy aviation conducted 16 airstrikes, dropping 22 precision-guided bombs. Today, there was one strike on Chasiv Yar with unguided rockets," Voloshyn reported.

According to him, the enemy army is covering its assault actions with artillery shelling and drone drops.

"During the day, 78 occupiers were killed, 140 were wounded, and two were taken prisoner. Several units of enemy equipment were also destroyed, including one self-propelled artillery unit, one MT-LB, two howitzers, and seven ammunition depots," added the spokesperson.

Neighborhood destroyed by occupiers

On July 3, analysts from DeepState reported that the occupiers had "completely erased" the Kanal neighborhood in Chasiv Yar. Analysts say the occupation of this neighborhood cost the Russians huge losses, and they have practically destroyed all the high-rise buildings in the residential area.

According to the Institute for the Study of War on July 4, there is evidence of the occupiers' advances near Avdiivka, in the eastern part of Chasiv Yar, and they have achieved tactical success in the Toretsk direction.