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Ukrainian military achieving success in the southeast: General Staff provides update

Ukrainian military achieving success in the southeast: General Staff provides update Ukrainian military achieving success in the southeast (Photo: Getty Images)

The spokesperson for the General Staff, Andrii Kovalov, during a telethon, reported that Ukrainian defenders achieved success on several fronts in the southeast of the country. They also continue to advance near Bakhmut.

Kovalov stated that the offensive operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are ongoing in the Melitopol, Berdiansk, and Bakhmut directions. Our defenders are consolidating their positions on the achieved front lines, delivering artillery strikes against the enemy, and conducting counter-battery measures.

"In the Mala Tokmachka - Novopokrovka and Velyka Novosilka - Urozhaine directions, our troops achieved success and are consolidating their positions on the achieved front lines. Meanwhile, in the Bakhmut direction, our forces continue to launch offensive actions to the north and south of the city of Bakhmut," Kovalov revealed.

Photo: Front lines where the Ukrainian troops achieved success (screenshot)

According to him, the Russians are offering strong resistance, employing reserves, and suffering heavy losses.

Our soldiers also continue to repel the enemy's offensive in the Kupiansk and Lyman directions. Yesterday, on July 17, there were 36 clashes reported in those areas.

Counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Ukrainian defenders have been conducting a counteroffensive on certain fronts since the beginning of summer. They have already managed to liberate a number of populated areas in the southeast from the Russians.

The Ukrainian military also achieved success near Bakhmut, where they captured dominant heights and established fire control over the city.

Meanwhile, our soldiers in the Lyman-Kupiansk direction remain in a defensive position. The enemy has concentrated over 100,000 of its soldiers in that area.