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Ukrainian Intelligence, together with hackers, carries out new cyberattack on Russia

Ukrainian Intelligence, together with hackers, carries out new cyberattack on Russia Photo: Cyberattack on Russia (Getty Images)

Cyber specialists from the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, together with activists from the BO Team group, carried out another successful cyberattack in Russia. The Osnovaniye Russian Federal Certification Center was targeted, according to the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The primary activity of this enterprise is the issuance of electronic digital signatures. The company is accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development of the aggressor state and is considered one of the most secure and reliable in Russia.

Among the center's clients are banking, military, and other state and private institutions involved in the genocidal war against Ukraine, including:

  • Vertolyoty Rossii (Russian Helicopters),
  • Alfa-Bank,
  • Transneft Telecom,
  • Transmashholding,
  • Serebro Magadana (Magadan Silver).

According to Defense Intelligence, the attack destroyed terabytes of important data on the enterprise's servers and obtained a database of 1.5 million electronic digital signatures of individuals who used the services of the Russian Federal Center.

"Ukrainian hackers intend to put the obtained data up for sale, with the proceeds going to support Ukraine's Security and Defense Forces," Defense Intelligence reported.

It should be noted that just days ago, Defense Intelligence hackers attacked Russian companies involved in weapons production.

It was mentioned that this cyberattack is a continuation of a series of breaches of enemy web resources and servers. However, this time, Ukrainian cyber specialists also "greeted" the Russians on Military Intelligence Day by placing a corresponding card on enemy resources.