Ukrainian intelligence organizes 'festive' cyberattack on Russian military-industrial complex

The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine attacked Russian internet service providers. As a result of the attack, dozens of resources of Russian industrial facilities were blocked.
On Independence Day, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, together with the Ukrainian cyber community, carried out a large-scale attack on Russian mobile and Internet providers, as well as on information resources and cloud storage of large Russian industrial facilities that support the military-industrial complex.
According to sources in military intelligence, users in Russia are complaining en masse about the malfunctions of the digital service provider Rostelecom, complaining about the lack of Internet connection at mobile operators MTC and Beeline, complaining about Yandex, because Yandex.Mail, Yandex.Food and Yandex.Taxi are not working.
The sources note that all the attacked Russian resources support and finance the war against Ukraine.
In addition, dozens of resources of large Russian industrial facilities that support the military-industrial complex of the terrorist state were subjected to a powerful cyberattack.
In particular, the network infrastructure was attacked:
- Chayka-Service automobile plant (produces special equipment for Russian law enforcement agencies)
- Kontur-NIIRS LLC (produces special equipment for airplanes and helicopters),
- I.S. Brook INEUM (supplies hardware and software, servers, processors, etc.).
Moreover, the cloud and file storages of the Internet provider, VDSina, the Internet provider Kvideks, National Cable Networks LLC, and Central Telegraph PJSC were also attacked.
At least two dozen other resources of companies that manufacture lighting equipment, diesel stations, hosting providers, ballistic protection products, etc. were affected.
As a result of the cyberattack, at least
- 33 servers were affected;
- 283 service computers at industrial facilities were affected;
- 15 cloud and file storages were destroyed;
- 21 websites were taken down.
The total amount of destroyed information is about 70 terabytes. At the same time, Ukrainian hackers left “stubs” with propaganda content in support of Ukraine's victorious actions in place of the destroyed web resources.
“This is another cyber greeting to the inhabitants of the swamps. We will definitely see you again. Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!” the ‘postcard’ read.
Recently cyber specialists from the Defense Ministry's intelligence attacked a number of Russian TV channels. Russian television showed truthful videos about the war in Ukraine.
Shortly before that, a large-scale cyberattack by the DIU caused problems with ATMs in Russia.
Read more about the consequences of the cyberattack for Russians here.