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Ukrainian intelligence comments on elimination of war criminal

Ukrainian intelligence comments on elimination of war criminal Photo: Andrii Yusov, representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The liquidation of the so-called deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Luhansk People's Republic from the Russian LDPR party, Mikhail Filiponenko, is an important signal for all traitors, collaborators, and war criminals, said Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

"A war criminal has been eliminated. This is a very important signal for all traitors, collaborators, for all those who were involved in war crimes, that a just punishment is inevitable. There are two options: surrender, or wait for retribution to come in another way," Yusov said.

As the representative of the Ukrainian intelligence noted, Filiponenko was responsible for organizing torture camps for military and civilian hostages. The war criminal also personally participated in torture. His liquidation is quite obvious for him in the end.

"Although he did not formally hold any key positions in the occupation administrations, he was an important figure in that racist ecosystem. The operation was prepared for a long time, carefully, the safety factor was taken into account for the performers as well," Yusov added.

What happened?

On the morning of November 8, an explosion rang out in temporarily occupied Luhansk. It became known that the car of former "police chief" Mikhail Filiponenko was blown up. The executioner received non-life-threatening injuries.

Photos from the scene of the car explosion also appeared on the network later.