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Ukrainian Intelligence chief estimates threat of Russian offensive in Sumy region

Ukrainian Intelligence chief estimates threat of Russian offensive in Sumy region Photo: Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Ukrainian military has already taken all necessary measures to protect the Sumy region from Russian occupants, according to the Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov.

Budanov explains that Russians are currently attempting to break through the Ukrainian defense in the Sumy region, and from time to time Russian subversive groups try to break into the region.

"But all the necessary measures have been taken, and the scale of the incident is no longer there," he emphasizes.

Situation in Sumy region

After the intensification of the Russian military offensive in the Kharkiv region, the Russians began to actively disseminate information about the upcoming offensive in the Sumy region.

Recently, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced the alleged capture of a village in the Sumy region. However, Ukraine immediately denied such statements.

Read more about the situation on the border near Ryzhivka in RBC-Ukraine's report.