Ukrainian Foreign Ministry responds to rumors of Ukraine's potential to build nuclear bomb

Ukraine has no intention of developing nuclear weapons. It will continue to adhere to the provisions of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, stated Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi.
"Ukraine is committed to the NPT; we do not possess, develop, or intend to acquire nuclear weapons," Tykhyi emphasized.
He reminded that Ukraine is closely cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and is fully open to IAEA monitoring, which "rules out the use of nuclear materials for military purposes."
Rumors about nuclear weapons
Today, The Times published an article claiming that in the event of a cutoff in US aid, Ukraine could develop a nuclear bomb within a few months.
According to the journalists, an analytical memo regarding the development of a nuclear bomb was prepared for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense.
The memo allegedly states that Ukraine could use plutonium extracted from spent fuel rods, which are used in Ukrainian nuclear reactors, to create a nuclear bomb.
The amount of plutonium available to Ukraine, the memo claims, could be enough for hundreds of warheads.