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Ukrainian Forces might launch counteroffensive in 2025 if three conditions are met, The Telegraph

Ukrainian Forces might launch counteroffensive in 2025 if three conditions are met, The Telegraph Illustrative photo: Ukrainian soldier (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian Armed Forces may launch a counteroffensive in 2025, despite the fact that the Russian army is still concentrated in the Donetsk region, according to The Telegraph.

According to the agency, there are several factors that could still undermine Moscow’s resolve.

First, if Ukraine continues to succeed in Kursk, Russia may need to withdraw more forces from the occupied territories. This could potentially weaken their defensive positions and help Ukrainian troops extend the range of their drone strikes.

Second, Ukrainian brigades currently undergoing training could be deployed to reinforce either the Kursk or Donetsk regions, depending on where Russian forces show signs of weakness. Such flexibility might enable Kyiv to conduct a counteroffensive in 2025, rather than just another offensive in occupied Donbas.

The Telegraph writes that the third factor is the destruction of Russia's Black Sea Fleet by Ukraine and the accelerated dismantling of Russia’s air defense network in Crimea. This put Russian forces on the peninsula on the defensive, likely affecting whether Crimea becomes the next target. Additionally, the Kerch Bridge, which is already a frequent target of Ukrainian sabotage, is expected to be destroyed soon.

What is happening on the front

In 2022, Ukraine managed to carry out a series of major offensives and push Russian troops back from Kyiv, liberating northern Ukraine, Kharkiv, and Kherson regions.

In 2023, Ukraine prepared a new counteroffensive. However, the Ukrainian Armed Forces faced strong enemy defenses in Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions.

In early August of this year, Ukraine launched an operation in the Kursk region, which could significantly affect the situation along the entire front line.

Read more about what to expect from the operation of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region and how it can change the war in the material by RBC-Ukraine.