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Ukrainian Forces maintain control over Toretsk: Military Administration debunks Russian claim

Ukrainian Forces maintain control over Toretsk: Military Administration debunks Russian claim Photo: Toretsk (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian military controls Toretsk, Donetsk region. The information about the alleged entry of Russians into the town is fake, according to the head of the Toretsk City Military Administration Vasyl Chynchyk.

“Yes. Unfortunately, the enemy is also waging information wars. I confirm that the town of Toretsk remains a free Ukrainian city that is suffering from devastating shelling by the aggressor. But the city is free, it is Ukrainian,” he said.

According to him, the Ukrainian Armed Forces control the town and defend the territory, so "this information is pure disinformation," used by the enemy to destabilize the information space and influence opinion among the population that remains in the community and in Ukraine as a whole.

He also added that the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to stop the active hostilities advancing from the enemy's side.

The situation in the Toretsk area

On the morning of July 30, social media reported a tense situation in the Toretsk area, claiming that the Russians had "directly entered the borders of Toretsk." Later, the Center for Countering Disinformation debunked the information about the Russian forces entering Toretsk.

According to the General Staff as of July 31, the Russians tried 23 times to break into the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Toretsk direction in the areas of Pivnichne, Toretsk, New York, and Zalizne.