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Ukrainian fighters defeat Russian assault at Pokrovsk direction: Events at frontline

Ukrainian fighters defeat Russian assault at Pokrovsk direction: Events at frontline Ukrainian fighters defeat Russian assault (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian troops from the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade "Magura" defeated a Russian assault in the Pokrovsk sector. The situation in this area remains the most tense along the entire frontline today, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The Russians tried to attack using two armored personnel carriers and a tank, but they were spotted by aerial reconnaissance in time. Artillerymen in cooperation with FPV drone operators stopped the attack and destroyed the Russian equipment," the 47th Brigade said.

The brigade also showed a video of "Magura" fighters repelling a Russian assault and burning enemy armored vehicles.

Situation at the front on May 18

According to the General Staff, the Pokrovsk sector is the most intense area of fighting today. Ukrainian troops have repelled 18 enemy attacks there today. The fiercest fighting is taking place near Novooleksandrivka. The enemy also started attacking in the vicinity of Nevelske.

Another of the hottest areas today is Kramatorsk. According to the General Staff, the number of attacks by the aggressor has reached 10 today. Ivanivske and Kurdiumivka became new areas of enemy assault during the day. Russian aviation struck Diliivka with unguided missiles.

Fighting also continues in the Lyman, Kupiansk, and Kurakhove sectors.

In the Kharkiv sector, the Russians attacked in the vicinity of Lyptsi and northwest of Zelene, and the battle is also ongoing in the area of Vovchansk.

The General Staff reported that Russians have been storming Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region for the second day in a row. The enemy is using armored vehicles during the assault.