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Ukrainian electronic warfare forces Russian army to switch to wired communication - Ukraine's forces

Ukrainian electronic warfare forces Russian army to switch to wired communication - Ukraine's forces Illustrative photo (Russian media)

Ukrainian electronic warfare (EW) systems are so effective that Russian troops in the northern Kharkiv region are forced to try to establish wired communication to coordinate their actions, states operational-tactical group Kharkiv spokesperson Colonel Vitalii Sarantsev.

According to him, Russian troops in the Kharkiv direction operate in small assault groups, numbering up to a motorized infantry squad.

"These groups undergo initial training and are constantly reformed to carry out active operations. They have appropriate small arms, some protection, and electronic warfare systems. They try to advance, secure captured positions, and gradually move forward," Sarantsev stated.

He added that due to the effective work of Ukrainian EW systems, which interfere with the enemy's communication and drones, the Russian military are forced to carry spools of wire to establish communication.

"As a result, the enemy is left with only one way to establish communication between units performing combat tasks—they try to lay wired communication. Advancing in different directions, they carry spools of wire and try to set up communication and coordinate the activities of attacking units in this way," the military official explained.

According to him, the Russian wired communication proves ineffective during intense shelling, and Ukrainian forces quickly destroy or critically damage these lines.

It is noted that in Vovchansk, Russian invaders have engaged assault groups from the fourth division, attempting to improve logistical support and establish a communication system.

Additionally, intense assault actions continue in Vovchansk, focused on high-rise buildings. The Russian forces are actively creating new evacuation points for their personnel.

Furthermore, in the Kharkiv direction, Russian troops persist in their attempts to breach the Ukrainian defense, conducting intense shelling of our defenders' positions on all active sections of the front.