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Ukrainian Defense Forces destroy Russian Osa SAM worth $10 million

Ukrainian Defense Forces destroy Russian Osa SAM worth $10 million Illustrative image (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed a Russian Osa-AKM SAM. The system is worth about $10 million, according to the Southern Ukrainian Defense Forces.

After the destruction of the Russian air defense system, the Russians are looking for a new cover.

Another Osa was destroyed recently. At the same time, Ukrainian military intelligence targeted it with an FPV drone, which cost several hundred dollars. At the same time, according to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Osa costs $10 million.


The Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile system is a Soviet development that was put into operation in the 1970s. This system is designed to protect military facilities and units from air attacks. The Osa-AKM uses solid-fuel missiles and can fire at both airplanes and helicopters at a distance of up to 15 km and an altitude of up to 10 km.

The system has an autonomous control system, which allows it to operate independently of other air defense systems. The Osa-AKM leaves a mark on the armed forces of several countries but is gradually being replaced by more modern systems.

Russia's losses in war against Ukraine

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia has lost more than 662,000 personnel. Over the past 24 hours, on October 7, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated over 1,300 Russian invaders and destroyed 7 tanks, 30 armored combat vehicles, 47 artillery systems, and more.