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Ukrainian border guards strike Russian positions on Siversk front

Ukrainian border guards strike Russian positions on Siversk front Photo: The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine destroyed the Russian occupants in the Siversk sector (illustrative photo pixabay-com)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian border guards carried out a series of attacks on Russian positions in the Siversk sector and destroyed the Russian occupiers. They revealed the results of their work.

The video shows the work of the attack drones of the Pomsta (revenge in Ukrainian - ed.) brigade.

In the course of their work with drones, Ukrainian defenders managed to eliminate and wound a total of 8 Russian invaders.

Ukrainian troops destroy Russian equipment and manpower

Ukrainian border guards in the Kharkiv sector struck two precise attacks on Russian dugouts, destroying the Russian occupiers' manpower.

The day before, border guards destroyed a Russian Zala reconnaissance drone using an FPV drone.

Ukrainian border guards also hit a Russian UAV crew hiding in a civilian building.