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Ukrainian border guards show video of occupiers destruction by a kamikaze drone

Ukrainian border guards show video of occupiers destruction by a kamikaze drone Border guards showed a video of the destruction of the occupiers by a kamikaze drone (illustrative photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian military forces, with the assistance of a drone, have successfully destroyed an enemy Ural vehicle along with its personnel, according to the State Border Guard Service.

According to the service, the enemy's equipment and occupant forces were eliminated by the Steel Border aerial reconnaissance unit in the Kupiansk direction. The published video clearly shows a drone striking the vehicle with occupiers and causing an explosion.

Destruction of Russian Federation equipment

Ukrainian Military Forces have been actively destroying Russian equipment since the beginning of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation. To accomplish this, they have been utilizing drones.

For instance, in the past day, our defenders managed to eliminate 91 enemy combat armored vehicles and one aircraft.

Recently, the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, announced that secret drones have been provided to our troops on the front lines, which have already demonstrated their effectiveness.