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Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian Orlan-10 drone with Stinger

Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian Orlan-10 drone with Stinger Photo: Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian Orlan-10 with Stinger (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian border guards of the Revenge brigade destroyed a Russian Orlan-10 drone with a man-portable air defense missile system Stinger, according to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

The video was filmed in the Bakhmut direction.

"A Stinger MANPADS unit of the Revenge Brigade border guards hit an air target in the Bakhmut direction. It was probably a Russian Orlan-10," the channel writes.

Russia's losses in war against Ukraine

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since the beginning of the full-scale war, the losses of the Russian Federation are as follows:

  • personnel - 495,070
  • tanks - 7605
  • armored combat vehicles - 14,699
  • and more.

Over the past day alone, Ukrainian soldiers eliminated another 1,380 Russian invaders, more than a dozen tanks, and 42 artillery pieces.