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Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian equipment and weapons on Sumy front

Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian equipment and weapons on Sumy front Photo: The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine destroyed Russian equipment and weapons in the Sumy sector (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian border guards destroyed Russian equipment and weapons in the Sumy region. They revealed the results of their work.

The video shows the work of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine aerial reconnaissance.

Ukrainian defenders are tracking the positions of the Russian occupiers, located in densely planted forests, and striking at their military equipment and weapons.

In particular, the Ukrainian border guards destroyed Russian vehicles, a truck, an armored vehicle, a Kord machine gun, and several other units of military equipment.

Ukrainian troops destroy Russian equipment and manpower

Yesterday we reported on the work of Ukrainian border guards in the Siversk sector. Ukrainian defenders destroyed the Russian occupiers' manpower.

Earlier, in the Kharkiv sector, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine soldiers delivered 2 precise attacks on Russian dugouts, destroying the Russian manpower.