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Ukrainian Armed Forces use British tanks in offensive in Kursk region - Sky News

Ukrainian Armed Forces use British tanks in offensive in Kursk region - Sky News Photo: The offensive in the Kursk region is underway with Challenger 2 tanks (Getty Images)

Ukrainian Forces deploy British Challenger 2 tanks during offensive in Russia’s Kursk region, according to Sky News.

According to the agency, if this information is confirmed, it will be the first instance of British tanks operated by Ukrainian soldiers being used in combat on Russian territory.

The UK Ministry of Defense in London declined to comment on the details of the operation. The Armed Forces of Ukraine also did not provide any comments.

However, the UK has confirmed that Ukraine is free to use British weapons on Russian territory following government policy. A Sky News source indicated that Challenger 2 tanks were among the equipment used and implied that they were deployed during the Ukrainian offensive that began on August 6.

Details of how and when Ukrainian forces deployed the Challenger 2 tanks in the Kursk region are not yet clear. The number of tanks involved also remains unknown.

However, Ukraine's powerful 82nd Air Assault Brigade, a unit operating British main battle tanks since last year, has been confirmed to participate in the Kursk offensive.

Challenger 2 tanks

The UK agreed to supply Ukraine with 14 Challenger 2 tanks in January 2023, prompting Germany and the U.S. to follow suit with their own tank deliveries.

One British tank was hit during combat in Ukraine in September last year—this was the first time a Challenger 2 had been disabled in active combat.

The Challenger 2 tank, in service since 1994, weighs 62.5 tons and is armed with a 120-mm rifled gun and a 7.62-mm machine gun.

Offensive on Russian territory

It is worth noting that the offensive in the Kursk region began on August 6, 2024. Within a week, the Ukrainian Armed Forces expanded their foothold and took control of Sudzha, along with dozens of other settlements over a total area of more than 1,000 square kilometers.