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Ukrainian Armed Forces: Russia does not provide corridor for evacuation of civilians in Kursk region

Ukrainian Armed Forces: Russia does not provide corridor for evacuation of civilians in Kursk region Photo: Russia does not allow a corridor for the evacuation of civilians in the Kursk region (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russia does not provide a corridor for the evacuation of civilians in the Kursk region. The Russian army continues to shell towns and villages, according to the spokesman for the Siversk Operational and Tactical Group of Troops Vadym Mysnyk.

He noted that Ukrainian troops are speaking with residents of border settlements in the Kursk region.

"They (local residents - ed.) say that they want peace, that they want everything to stop, or they want a corridor to leave the war zone, which Russia is not providing," the spokesperson said.

According to him, the Russian army is targeting places without military presence—towns and villages. The Russian army uses guided aerial bombs and drones.

"Recently, they destroyed the ice arena in Sudzha with a guided aerial bomb, and the day before yesterday, they hit a modern boarding school, among many other examples," Mysnyk added.

He noted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces try to create conditions for normal life in the areas they control. However, most residents of Sudzha are forced to sleep in basements due to intensive shelling by Russian forces. Mysnyk added that the humanitarian situation is difficult.

Fighting in the Kursk region

Since August 6, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been conducting an offensive operation in the Kursk region. Recently, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, reported a 2-kilometer advance by Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region.

Ukraine now controls over 100 settlements in the Kursk region. The Ukrainian government has also announced the creation of a military commandant's office in the Kursk region and plans to open a corridor for civilian evacuation.