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Ukrainian Armed Forces have more weapon models than NATO: General Staff states

Ukrainian Armed Forces have more weapon models than NATO: General Staff states Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen have no issues mastering Western artillery systems, as there are more weapon models in the Ukrainian Defense Forces than in NATO, according to Brigadier General Serhii Baranov, Chief of the Main Directorate of Missile Forces and Artillery, and Unmanned Systems at the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"We already have more weapon models than NATO. This creates certain logistical difficulties, but we have no weapon model that we cannot use, operate, or improve. In Ukraine, we have unique people. We have no problems learning, mastering Western artillery systems," he said.

Baranov adds that experienced artillerymen and recently mobilized fighters are allowed to train on foreign artillery systems. He notes that the length of service is not significantly important for mastering a particular type of weaponry.

"Of course, those who already have experience find it much easier to master a new model because you can't change physical processes. There are laws of physics that affect the trajectory of a projectile. Experienced individuals find it much easier, but in terms of learning timelines, I don't see any problems at all. Mobilized individuals also learn everything without any issues. The main thing is the desire. Everything else comes during training," he explained.

The Brigadier General also states that the pace and volume of Western weapon supplies depend on the success of artillerymen on the battlefield.

"Who will provide weapons if we can't master them? So, yes, everything depends on this, without a doubt," he emphasized.

Frontline situation

According to the General Staff, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to defend the eastern and southern fronts and conduct an offensive operation on the Melitopol and Bakhmut fronts. There have been 50 combat clashes in the past day.

In particular, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding positions and continuing their offensive actions on the left bank of the Kherson region. They have also achieved success northeast of the railway line in the Klischiivka area.