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Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminate another 710 occupiers and 38 artillery systems: enemy losses update

Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminate another 710 occupiers and 38 artillery systems: enemy losses update The General Staff of Ukraine updated the information about Russia's losses in the war as of July 18 (Photo: Getty Images)

Russian losses in the war against Ukraine have exceeded 239,000 military personnel. Over the past day, Ukrainian defenders eliminated an additional 710 Russian invaders, along with destroying 38 enemy artillery systems, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 18.07.23 were approximately:

personnel ‒ about 239010 (+710) persons were liquidated,

tanks ‒ 4119 (+4),

APV ‒ 8051 (+17),

artillery systems – 4542 (+38),

MLRS – 689 (+4),

anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 428,

aircraft – 315,

helicopters – 310,

UAV operational-tactical level – 3839 (+11),

cruise missiles ‒ 1273,

warships/boats ‒ 18,

vehicles and fuel tanks – 7086 (+27),

special equipment ‒ 677.

Russian losses in Ukraine

The Russian Ministry of Defense has been concealing the losses of the Russian army since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

According to Russian media reports, with the start of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, losses among officers and command personnel in Russia have significantly increased.

According to Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Malyar, in southern Ukraine, particularly in the Melitopol and Berdiansk directions where the fighting is ongoing, the ratio of Ukrainian to Russian military losses stands at 1 to 5.3.