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Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy 3 missiles and 2 Russian drones in south

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy 3 missiles and 2 Russian drones in south The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed three rockets and two enemy drones in the south (Photo: Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

Ukrainian military today, on October 27, shot down three rockets and two drones of Russian occupiers in the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions, according to the South Air Command.

Military sources clarify that as a result of anti-aircraft defense operations, the following were destroyed:

  • In the Mykolaiv region - three guided aviation missiles Kh-59
  • In the Kherson region - two attack drones Lancet.


It should be noted that today, on October 27, during the daytime, air alarms were declared in southern regions of Ukraine.

Monitoring channels reported about three rockets launched by Russian occupiers in the Mykolaiv region.

Russian occupiers regularly attempt to strike Ukraine using missiles and drones. One of the recent drone attacks took place tonight, October 27, with five out of six Shahed attack drones being shot down by air defense forces.