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Ukrainian Armed Forces continue the counteroffensive, making progress to south of Bakhmut in area of Andriivka

Ukrainian Armed Forces continue the counteroffensive, making progress to south of Bakhmut in area of Andriivka Ukrainian military (photo: GettyImages)

Fierce battles continue in the area of the railway on the southern flank of the Bakhmut direction. Ukrainian Armed Forces are advancing westward into the Zaporizhzhia region, according to ISW report.

Ukrainian forces are continuing successful offensive operations to the south of Bakhmut in the vicinity of Andriivka. Geolocation footage indicates that Ukrainian troops have advanced to the tree line between Robotyne and Verbove, approximately 6 kilometers southeast of Robotyne.

Volunteer battalions "Storm Ossetia" and "Alania," operating in this area, claim that Ukrainian forces are gradually moving the front line closer to Verbovy. Small groups of Ukrainian infantry continued to attack Russian positions along the Kopani-Robotyne line, which is about 5 kilometers northwest of Robotyn. Ukrainian forces are also conducting attacks near Verbovy and Novoprokopiivka, which is 18 kilometers southeast of Orikhove.

Furthermore, Ukrainian troops are preparing for offensive actions during the autumn-winter period. However, the need for supplies for the Ukrainian Armed Forces is increasing, and rain and fog could complicate the use of drones, tactical, and army aviation. Nevertheless, Ukrainian forces will continue to fight in winter.

Fightings near Bakhmut

Ukrainian Military Forces continue to exert pressure on the enemy on the southern flank of the Bakhmut direction. Recently, the settlements of Andriivka and Klishchiivka were liberated.

Last week, the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported an escalation of hostilities near the railway under Bakhmut.

As explained by the military, Andriivka and Klishchiivka are located at higher elevations, while the railway itself is in a low-lying area. This allows Ukrainian defenders to use artillery to target Russian units and equipment.