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Ukrainian Armed Forces confirm responsibility for strikes on Chonhar Bridge

Ukrainian Armed Forces confirm responsibility for strikes on Chonhar Bridge Ukrainian Armed Forces confirm responsibility for strikes on bridges on the way to Crimea (

According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's Strategic Communications Command, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have officially acknowledged their involvement in the strikes carried out on the Chonhar and Henichesk Bridges.

Yesterday, August 6, powerful explosions were reported in the vicinity of Chonhar and Henichesk in the Kherson region. Local sources had earlier reported incoming strikes targeting the bridges.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have now confirmed that the strikes on the Chonhar and Henichesk Bridges, which occurred around 3:00 p.m. yesterday, were indeed executed by them.

Ukrainian Armed Forces confirm responsibility for strikes on Chonhar Bridge

Targeting the Crimean Bridges

On July 29, the Ukrainian Defense Forces had announced a second successful attack on the Chonhar Bridge. Prior to this, Saldo had asserted the "repulsion of a Ukrainian assault" on the railway in Chonhar. He claimed that as many as 12 Storm Shadow missiles were purportedly launched during this alleged attack.

The initial strike on the bridge took place on June 22 of this year. At that time, Russia also claimed responsibility for the attack, using Storm Shadow missiles. This claim was subsequently confirmed by the Ukrainian General Staff.