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Ukrainian Armed Forces complete line clearing north of Sudzha in Kursk region

Ukrainian Armed Forces complete line clearing north of Sudzha in Kursk region Photo: illustrative photo (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Ukrainian armed forces have cleared Russian soldiers from the area of Malaya Loknya and Pogrebki. The line is located north of Sudzha in the Kursk region of Russia, according to DeepState.

"The Ukrainian Defense Forces have completed the clearing of the Malaya Loknya - Pogrebki line," the report says.

The project provides an up-to-date map as of September 1.

Ukrainian Armed Forces complete line clearing north of Sudzha in Kursk regionPhoto: DeepState

Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in Kursk region

The Ukrainian Armed Forces launched an operation in the Kursk region on August 6, 2024. As of August 27, 1,300 square kilometers and 100 settlements were taken under Ukrainian control, according to the Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi. In addition, about 600 Russian soldiers were captured.

Syrskyi also said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces' operation in the Kursk region led to Moscow withdrawing about 30,000 troops from the frontline in Ukraine and redeploying them to this area.

A source in the military and political leadership told RBC-Ukraine that the Russian forces had been instructed by Putin to liberate the Kursk region by October 1. However, their task is to do so at all costs, without withdrawing from key areas where Russia is waging an offensive in Donbas.

CIA Deputy Director David Cohen said that Russia could attempt a counter-offensive in the Kursk region, but it would be a tough battle for Russia.