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Ukrainian Armed Forces can push Russians back from Chasiv Yar

Ukrainian Armed Forces can push Russians back from Chasiv Yar Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson for the Khortytsia Operational and Strategic Grouping of Troops

The military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has a chance to push the Russian troops out of Chasiv Yar, states Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson for the Khortytsia Operational and Strategic Grouping of Troops.

Voloshyn explained that the enemy also continued to try to storm and show their presence in the Chasiv Yar area, but stressed that the defense forces were fighting back and holding on.

"Chasiv Yar is a Ukrainian city and there is every chance that we will push the enemy back from there and destroy it in that direction, as it was before," the spokesperson noted.

Voloshyn recently reported that after the Defense Forces withdrew from the Kanal neighborhood in Chasiv Yar, enemy attacks continued, but the focus shifted.

Forbes published data that Russia allegedly lost up to 99,000 troops in the battle for Chasiv Yar. The Armed Forces of Ukraine responded to this publication and assured that the data was too high.

At the same time, the military provided actual data.