ua en ru

Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked military facilities in Russia with over 70 drones - Sources

Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked military facilities in Russia with over 70 drones - Sources Photo: The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked military facilities in Russia at night (Getty Images)

Ukrainian defenders launched attacks on military targets in Russia overnight, with the most significant action reported in Bryansk, according to sources in the security services.

"On the night of December 29-30, the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine launched a powerful strike on military facilities in the territory of the Russian Federation. A total of more than 70 drones of various types participated in the attack," sources report.

As disclosed by the informants, the most significant action occurred in Bryansk, where a group of drones attacked the Kremniy El plant. This is one of the largest producers of electronics for Russian military equipment, including long-range missiles and the Pantsir air defense system.

It is known that explosions also occurred at several military facilities in Belgorod, Tula, Tver, and Moscow.

"Russian air defense managed to shoot down some of the Ukrainian drones, but a significant number of them effectively targeted objectives. In contrast to Russian terrorist attacks on Ukrainian territory, the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine struck exclusively at military targets of the enemy," sources added.

Nighttime explosions in Russia

Recall that late on the evening of December 29, residents of Belgorod began reporting explosions and purported shelling. The governor of the region stated that air defense systems had shot down "several aerial targets" approaching Belgorod.

By the early morning of December 30, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported a "repelled" attack. Shoigu claimed that they shot down as many as 32 drones, and air defense systems supposedly operated in the Bryansk, Oryol, Kursk, and Moscow regions.